Great thanks.

You post helped me so much!

My resulting regexp is:

On Jan 18, 2:38 pm, "Daniele Varrazzo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Victor Polukcht wrote:
> > I have a couple of strings like:
> > Unassigned Number (1)                                    32
> [...]
> > Interworking, unspecified (127)                          5
> > I need to get:
> > Error code (value in brackets) - Value - Message.
> > My actual problem is i can't get how to include space, comma, 
> > slash.Probably you have some escaping problem. The substitution:
>   re.sub(r"^(.*)\s*\((\d+)\)\s+(\d+)", r'\2 - \3 - \1', row)
> does the required job (where "row" is one of your lines)
> To match a special character, such as "(", you need to escape it with a
> "\", because it has a special meaning in the regexp syntax. Because "\"
> is the escaping mechanism for Python strings too, you better use raw
> strings to specify the pattern.
> Other special character/groups matching patterns, such as "\s" to
> specify whitespaces, are documented, together with everything else you
> need, at
> Daniele


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