
Daniel Nogradi wrote:
> > I'm using Python version 2.4 and I created a class with some properties
> > like:
> >
> > def GetCallAmount(self):
> >         return somedata
> >
> > def GetCallCurrency(self):
> >     return  somemoredata
> >
> > more....defs..etc.
> >
> > CallAmount           = property(GetCallAmount,None,None,None)
> > CallCurrency         = property(GetCallCurrency, None, None, None)
> >
> > more....properies..etc.
> >
> > For debugging purposes, I would like to traverse the class listing out
> > all the properties.
> for attr in dir( yourclass ):
>     if repr( yourclass.__dict__[ attr ] ).startswith( '<property' ):
>         print 'This looks like a property although can be something
> else too: ' + attr
> :)


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