On 2007-01-20, Nick Maclaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Carroll, Barry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>|> My thanks to Aahz and the others who responded.  I also did some
>|> Googling on my own.  I found out that top-posting is the norm in the
>|> e-mail world.  Bottom- and inline-posting are the norm in the newsgroup
>|> world. =20
> Sorry, even that is not so.  I have been using Email since the 1960s,
> and top-posting has been used only by the inconsiderate.

...or the beleaguered. Since my school's IT switched to Exchange,
correct email composition is really annoying.

The only way to do it is to manually cut into a real editor, and
then past back in the entire message. This is not worth the
hassle for interoffice communication, since everyone else is
stuck with stupid top-posting, too.

It's been an interesting journey, from some unix-based terminal
email, to Lotus Notes (ARRGH!), then a happy time using IMAP, and
now back to (ARRGH!).

Neil Cerutti

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