kavitha thankaian wrote:
> Hi,
> i wrote a simple script (which follows) to insert a table in the 
> database.i could execute this query and get the result in python 
> shell.but when i open "my sql enterprise manager" i couldnt find the 
> table"animals".it would be so kind of you if someone could help me,,,
> import dbi
> import odbc
> conn=odbc.odbc("DSN=mydatabase;UID=xxx;PWD=yyy")
> cursor=conn.cursor()
> cursor.execute("Create table animals(parent char(50),child char(50))")
> cursor.execute("insert into animals values('lion','cub')")
> cursor.execute("insert into animals values('goat','lamb')")
> cursor.execute("select * from animals")
> print cursor.fetchall()
> Rgds
> Kavitha
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You've probably missed cursor.commit() ;)

Eugene Antimirov
PortaOne, Inc., SIP Support Engineer

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