ugliness :)

so this is why [lambda: i for i in range(10)] will always return 9.
imho that's a bug, not a feature.


Duncan Booth wrote:
> "gangesmaster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > what problem does the cell object solve?
> The closure represents the variable, not the object. So if x is rebound to
> a different object your inner function g() will now access the new object.
> If the object itself was passed to MAKE_CLOSURE then g would only ever see
> the value of x from the instant when g was defined.
> >>> def f(x):
>     def g():
>         print "x is", x
>     g()
>     x += 1
>     g()
> >>> f(1)
> x is 1
> x is 2


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