hg wrote:
> Kevin Walzer wrote:
>> Kevin Walzer wrote:
>>> Tablelist: http://www.nemethi.de/
>>> Tabelist for Tkinter (with Tile support):
>>> http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/TableListTileWrapper
>> Additionally, here is a link to some screenshots for Tablelist:
>> http://www.nemethi.privat.t-online.de/tablelist/screenshots.html
>> --
>> Kevin Walzer
>> Code by Kevin
>> http://www.codebykevin.com
> Just for info - one of the reasons I stopped using Tkinter a few years ago
> was for the lack of print support (preview ...) - is there such an
> extension today ?
> hg
Printing is the one glaring omission from Tk/Tkinter--at least a unified
printing framework. There are platform-specific extensions for Mac and
Windows. On *Nix, I think most Tk/Tkinter programs just call lpr. None
of these libraries work in quite the same way, so there isn't a simple
way to simply call a standard Tk/Tkinter function to print your data.

This recent thread on comp.lang.tcl discusses the issue:


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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