I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of Freedom, EINSTEIN

 "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting
 different results".-Albert Einstein

 "It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing
 but an act of murder." -Albert Einstein

 "I came to America because of the great, great freedom which I heard
 existed in this country. I made a mistake in selecting America as a
 land of freedom, a mistake I cannot repair in the balance of my
 Albert Einstein, 1947

On Jan 25, 7:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> http://www.gnn.tv/threads/22972/Bush_Ignores_True_Cost_of_Iraq_war
> Bush Ignores True Cost of Iraq war
> Asset H12937 Posted By GWHunta
> In his State of the Union address, President Bush makes the case for
> his plan to escalate the war in Iraq. He paints the potential costs of
> pulling out of Iraq in stark colors. But he won't say much about the
> real costs of staying in and escalating.
> We should never forget the incalculable cost of the war-the lives and
> the limbs of U.S. soldiers. As of this month, more than 3,000 U.S.
> soldiers have died and 22,800 been wounded in this war. An estimated
> 35,000 Iraqi civilian lives were lost last year. A staggering
> percentage have been displaced from their homes. The U.S. casualties
> bring terrible grief to their families and friends, but the loss must
> sober and sadden us all.
> In addition, this country pays very steep economic costs-what
> economists call "opportunity costs"-the costs of what is not done
> with the scarce financial resources we are devoting to war in Iraq. The
> price is particularly apparent as the president prepares to introduce a
> budget calling for cuts in child care, in education, in health care,
> and more.
> [end excerpt]
> Click here to read the rest of the article
> GWHunta
> R258778
> 9 hours ago
>         GWHunta
> When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go
> and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war.
> ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
> The most successful war seldom pays for its losses.
> ~Thomas Jefferson
> Sometimes no Peace,
> ~GWHunta
> BetterRed
> R258787
> 8 hours ago
>         BetterRed
> "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting
> different results".-Albert Einstein
> "It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing
> but an act of murder." -Albert Einstein
> "I came to America because of the great, great freedom which I heard
> existed in this country. I made a mistake in selecting America as a
> land of freedom, a mistake I cannot repair in the balance of my
> lifetime."
> Albert Einstein, 1947
> mikecimerian
> R258790
> 8 hours ago
>         mikecimerian
> Two billion a week ... and Katrina victims still pay mortgage on
> wrecked houses ...
> GWHunta
> R258793
> 7 hours ago
>         GWHunta
> 15 billion a month for the "war on terror."
> Not including interest on these "borrowed" funds and the health
> care costs and disability payments for the veterans fretruning from
> these "wars."
> Also not included are the economic and social costs of the programs
> that go unfunded because war is becoming the primary function of the
> U.S. federal gov't.
> The costs associated with the war in Iraq continue to escalate along
> with the violence.
> Sometimes no Peace,
> johnnycivil
> R258821
> 5 hours ago
>         johnnycivil
> Okay, lets be real. Iraq has always been a staging ground for Iran. In
> Iraq and Afghanistan we have the foundation for a strong move agaist
> the meat in our murder sandwich. When we straddle Saudi Arabia to
> Afghanistan we will control 70% of the easily extracable oil. Pretty or
> ugly the Cheney gang are correct, own that own the nations. When
> control is locked in they will say that is what drove China to attack
> us, leading to the depopulating war our fearful masters always opt for.
> Have a nice day.
> nobinPoddywodder
> R258872
> 33 minutes ago
>         nobinPoddywodder
> Why do crackerjax hate Iraq so much? Why do they hate the shia's and
> the kurds and try and deny them majority rule? Why do crackerjax try
> and deny Iraqis the right to democracy?
> Far leftists have argued many times over the past 3 years, that Iraq
> would be better off under saddam, a veiled attempt at saying sunni
> minority rule. Of course the far left doesn't care if minority rule
> in Iraq would continue. Not only minority rule, but minority rule of a
> brutal dictators. Perhaps the far left should ask Shias and Kurds
> whether saddam was better.
> Ok, so Iraq is a prop in your socialist revolution. Ok, the Iraqi war
> offers some hope, albeit a slim one, that such a catastrophe could
> trigger a socialist revolution in the West.
> But this antic of the far left of pretending to actually care about
> Iraqis by destroying its democracy is getting a bit tired. Pretty weird
> social science if you ask me. The far left is protecting Iraq by
> preventing it from modernizing and preventing it from extending
> Capitalism and world economic integration.
> "No War for oil" is a code word meaning, don't modernize Iraq and
> don't bring Capitalsm and free foreign investment there.
> Again I say, why not ask Iraqis what type of system they want.
> Or for example, when iraqi terrorism against the government of Iraq is
> almost entirely a sunni phenomena, the far left call the Maliki
> government stooges and traitors, as if to say that the 80% of Iraq that
> is either Shia or Kurd is somehow does not represent Iraq, yet a small
> handful of sunni thugs, assisted by sunni Islamists from other
> countries somehow do. According to the far left the sunnis who have
> hitherto ruled Iraq with brutality should continue to do so. Why? Just
> because the US is trying to bring freedom and majority rule.
> If the far left would wake up, they might realize that the terrorist
> insurgency in Iraq is entirely a sunni phenomena, yet only a small
> minority of sunnis are involved. The brutal shia attacks on sunnis are
> simply lawless retaliation for sunni terror attacks.
> Another smoke screen of the far left is that shias are somehow just as
> bad and are an equal part of the violent malaise that is the disaster
> in Iraq. Yet, hardly any coalition forces have been killed by shias.
> Only a tiny handful of US and British soldiers were killed in
> skirmishes with shia militias. Yet in every case it was a case of the
> shias trying to assert their right to exist as a militia. Not once has
> a shia insurgency targeted Coalition troops.
> Yet the far left tries its best to confuse these facts, determined to
> pretend to their idiot followers that somehow the insurgency is a
> popular uprising by all Iraqis. Well not the 80%+ of Iraqi Kurds and
> Shiites who exercised their right to vote, that represent 80% of the
> population.
> Post Modified: 01/25/07 18:17:59
> glacialimprint
> R258877
> 17 minutes ago
>         glacialimprint
> pardon, in your previous post of factoids that don't add up, you
> mentioned that 70+ of the population voted. now it's 80%+. sweet.
> note to your brain: if we allowed majority rule, ie: shia and then
> kurds, over sunni, you can bet your ass saudi arabia will take some
> action to prevent the slaughter and backlash against the sunni
> minority. If you do not recall, Saudi Arabia explicitly warned us that
> they would have to do something if we let Iraq go to Shia (majority)
> rule without protecting the Sunnis.
> If the terrorism in Iraq is all Sunni, and a minority at that-what is
> the big deal for our boys in blue to take care of them? why so hard,
> are they super-human terrorists?
> you are such a coward, the men who start wars but who do not fight in
> them are cowards, but at least are able to do something (be it
> negative, destructive) with their life. You have nothing to show except
> drivel and your cowardly, anonymous nature.


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