Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm making special versions of existing functions,
> and now I want the help-text of the newly created function to exists of
> 1. an extra line from my new function
> 2. all the help text from the old function
> # the old function
> def triang(M,sym=1):
>      """The M-point triangular window.    <== old help text
>      """
>      ....
> # the new function
> def chunked_triang(M):
>      """ Chunked version of "triang"      <== the extra line
>      """
>  >>> help(chunked_triang)
> # should give something like
> chunked_triang(M)                        <== the new definition
>      Chunked version of "triang"          <== the extra line
>      The M-point triangular window.       <== old help text
> Is that possible ?

You can take advantage of the decorator syntax:

>>> def triang(M,sym=1):
...     """The M-point triangular window.
...     """
...     return "triang"
>>> help(triang)
Help on function triang in module __main__:

triang(M, sym=1)
    The M-point triangular window.

>>> def add_doc(f):
...     def wrap(g):
...             g.__doc__="chunked version of %s\n%s" % (f.__name__,f.__doc__)
...             return g
...     return wrap
>>> @add_doc(triang)
... def chunked_triang(M):
...     return "chunked triang"
>>> help(chunked_triang)
Help on function chunked_triang in module __main__:

    chunked version of triang
    The M-point triangular window.


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