On Jan 27, 1:31 pm, Jim Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not one of the conquered races, I'm Swiss. We are the bankers to
> the conquerers. :-)

Exactly, Honorable J Klein, (although my reference was a general one, 
you have entered the thread, so I will pick the swiss case) more like 
tributaries to the conquerers ... If you remember that the Japanese 
buy the US govt bonds because their whole country's policy is 
controlled and under the ceiling of the occupiers. The swiss insurance 
companies quietly paid Larry Silverstein $3billion insurance claim 
ONLY after a few months of premium, without raising a single objection 
about the event. Are you saying Dr Bob Bowman, an MIT or Caltech Phd, 
who has flied 100 combat missions, and was running for public office 
is a mad person?????? But the point is accurate: Switzerland is not a 
banker but a tributary. You will soon see US twisting the arms of all 
its occupied and conquered races to share the financial loss from 
Bush's foolish policies. That exactly is the UNSTATED methodology.

Still, I would like to go and live in switzerland, if there is a way 
to become a swiss citizen ... like marc rich whom clinton gave 
immunity ... my record is a lot honest than that crook. where do you 
live in switzerland and can you get me a citizenship of that country 
of good people ... away from the FBI Bastards cowards who go around 
bugging people for no reason ... other than their racist and fascist 

> It has been a long time since we got invaded by someone of your ilk. I
> comment you on your total lack of good taste.

Yeah ... taste what dick has to say, I repeat:

What did Dick Faced Cheney told Honorable Senator Patrick Leahy ? 
So much for politeness and vulgarity at the top level.


> Please go prowl in someone else's news group. Most folks here are just
> not on your frequency.

911 optical illusions will be discussed here.
> >Yeah, listen to wise counsel of klein. As a member of conquered races
> >and still under occupation, namely Jewish, French, German, Japanese,
> >Korean ... dont mess in the crimes of the anglo-saxon yanks. You should
> >remember the beating you got from the Anglo-Saxon Yanks and just keep
> >quiet ... As for the lunatics off their meds, its also true that 911
> >was a grand optical illusion and thus within the charter of this group
> >to study ... After all, one of its proponent is the former head of Star
> >Wars, Dr Bob Bowman from MIT and Caltech ... Do you have a degree from
> >those prestigious institutes or did you manage to get any of your kids
> >into one of them ??? As for vulgarity, its the mark of patriotism ...
> >the constitutional amendments guarantee it and Herbert Walker Bush was
> >a strongly suspected pedophile ... there is a video called conspiracy
> >of silence, watch it on video.google.com and download with before the
> >fascist bureau of incompetence bastards (running around like crazy rats
> >to confiscate pentagon videos on that day in destruction of evidence)
> >try to sabotage the google servers ... they are part of the crime and
> >complicit in it. If they were competent, we would see one consistent
> >theory coming out from that bureau to explain all significant events on
> >that day. Now dont forget the SHITTY job done by FEMA and NIST. There
> >are gaping holes in their work.
> >Hey Kinch, if you are jewish, did you forget that England was the first
> >country to expel the Jews.
> >If you forget your status as conquered races, then you are in delusion,
> >not anyone else.
> >The final balance of power provided against the anglos will be by
> >Slavs. Hurray to Vladimir Putin, and Mikhail Khodorkovsky in a Siberian
> >jail.
> >On Jan 26, 2:30 pm, Jim Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> "alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >I have only just joined this group, but have noticed a significant rise
> >> >in off-topic posts that really detract from what is otherwise an
> >> >excellent place to learn and talk about optics.  While I'm sure people
> >> >who post these non-optic, non-scientific posts feel that they are
> >> >important they are not what the majority of the people come here to
> >> >read.  If the topics are that important to the poster then surely he or
> >> >she should take the time and trouble to find the best place to discuss
> >> >them.....  A groups called "Sci-optic" is not one....   I guess what I
> >> >am asking for is that off-topic posts are deleted....  Is this
> >> >possible?
> >> >Thanks
> >> >ALexWe get off-topic posts on an infrequent basis. Usually some poor guy
> >> gets off his meds and we get some burst of non-optic garbage.
> >> Just delete them and kill file them. That is usually what most folks
> >> do.
> >> Remember, there has always been a lunatic standing on the corner
> >> yelling the wold is ending.
> >> It is but not for a few Billion more years.
> >> Don't let them pull your chain. Arguing with them is useless.
> >> Jim Klein
> >> James E. Klein
> >> Engineering Calculationshttp://www.ecalculations.com
> >> Engineering Calculations is the home of
> >> the KDP-2 Optical Design Program
> >> for Windows.
> >> 1-818-507-5706 (Voice and Fax)
> >> 1-818-823-4121James E. Klein
> Engineering Calculationshttp://www.ecalculations.com
> Engineering Calculations is the home of
> the KDP-2 Optical Design Program
> for Windows.
> 1-818-507-5706 (Voice and Fax)
> 1-818-823-4121


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