A little intro to Uncle Al.
This bastard is a spook from the criminal agencies.
His job is to harass, disinform and such on the internet.
He has been doing it overtime for many years.

Now he was indeed doing his job in the last post.

Thermate is indeed the correct terminology.

When you search thermate you will find results for the demolition 
incendiaries accelerated by sulfur or such additives. Thermite is not 
the correct term since it is too wide and vague. The foundries use 
thermite for making alloys and that must be scrupulously free of 
sulfur and such additives. While thermate is the correct terminology 
and by its usage has now become associated with 911 research.

On Jan 30, 6:45 am, Uncle Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:[snip crap]
> > I do not plan to make a career out of 9/11 research,[snip more crap]
> > We have found evidence for thermates in the molten metal seen pouring
> > from the South Tower minutes before its collapse,[snip still more crap]
> > Thermate is the red
> > powder in the steel base. The prototype worked well, and the thermate-
> > jet cut through a piece of structural steel in a fraction of a second.Google
> thermite  595,000
> You can't even spell it correctly.  If you wish to see the light,
> begin by pullng your head out of your ass,
> http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/sunshine.jpg
> Idiot.  You don't know dick about incendiaries.
> --
> Uncle Alhttp://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/
>  (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most 
> mammals)http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/lajos.htm#a2


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