On 31 jan, 01:03, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm writing a python script for Amarok, I communicate with Amarok
> > using DCOP.
> > Now, I have to call DCOP very often and I noticed that every time I
> > make a DCOP call my program keeps growing in memory size.
> > To make sure it was DCOP i wrote the small program below:
> > from dcopext import DCOPClient, DCOPApp
> > while 0==0:
> >     dcop=DCOPClient()
> >     dcop.attach()
> >     AmarokDcopRes = DCOPApp ("amarok", dcop)
> >     ok, Ms = AmarokDcopRes.player.trackCurrentTimeMs()
> >     print Ms
> > If you run this script and monitor it's memory use you'll see that it
> > keeps growing.
> > Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?
> > Kind regards,
> > Tim
> I think you will find the objects are getting created so fast that
> garbage collection doesn't have time to clean them up as fast
> as you are creating new ones.  Since del dcop is not guaranteed
> to be "immediate" that won't help.
> Q: Can't you create dcop instance outside the loop and reuse it
> for every time through the loop?
> Q: Can you sleep or something after each loop or do you really
> want to peg the CPU checking forever?
> Q: How do you ever get out of this infinite loop?
> Note: while 0=0 is better written as while 1: and you need a
> break somewhere to get out of the loop.
> -Larry

Thanks for the quick response.

The code I posted is not my actual program and was only to demonstrate
my problem. The complete program I'm writing uses QT and so the loop
is replaced by a Timer event.
I tried out the suggestion. I had already tried the del dcop
instruction, so I knew that wasn't it. I also placed the DCOP variable
outside my loop but that didn't help either.
What I did notice that my program only grew in memory use when the
'ok, Ms = AmarokDcopRes.player.trackCurrentTimeMs() ' code was
executed (or any other function using the AmarokDcopRes variable like
'ok, volume = AmarokDcopRes.player.getVolume()' )
Then I also tried to make my take a pause of a second in the loop but
this also didn't help, the program was still growing in memory use (a
lot slower though but I don't call that a solution)

So if you have any more ideas let me know. I'll keep on trying

Kind regards,



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