Carl wrote:
Dear friends,

What is the ultimate version control tool for Python if you are working in a
Windows environment?

When you work on a Visual C++ project then it's easy, use Visual Source Safe
for your source code! But when it comes to large Python projects and no
universal Python IDE with version control integration is available,
checking in and out files is not as simple. I am a keen user of Emacs, but
version control, which is very simple when you are in a Linux environment,
for example, is not a straightforward in Windows.

What is the most common adopted approach among Python developers working in
a Windows environment?


I don't know that you'll find a common approach. I use Subversion for version control. For larger projects, I use Eclipse with the Pydev plugin for editing, and the Subclipse plugin for talking to Subversion. For smaller things, I usually just edit with SciTE and use the TortoiseSVN Explorer extension or the command-line utilities for checkins and updates.



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