On 2007-02-02, Laurent Pointal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Cerutti a écrit :
>> On 2007-02-02, ardief <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is a job for... duhn-duhn-DAAAAH! Captain CHAOS!
>> Er... I mean itertools.groupby.
>>     def key_func(t):
>>         return t[0]
> Not needed: --> from operator import itemgetter

I agree. But I used it anyway, to make it easier to see that the
sort and the groupby must be and are using the same key function.

In this case I admit it's a not a huge readability win, but I was
also following the "Do Not Repeat Yourself Rule", which makes the
key function easier to refactor.

> See in the example:
> http://docs.python.org/lib/itertools-example.html
> So much stuff in libraries, so few we know. Thanks to doc
> writers, Usenet contributors & Google search engines.


Neil Cerutti

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