> On Feb 3, 2:16 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > pygame is probily a good program to start with as long as you keep in
>> > mind that it is possible that up to 50% of the p.c. laptops may not be
>> > able to run it.
>> Huh?  Care to explain this?
> This is based on the documentation from panda3d explaining why certain
> functions do not work on pc lap tops.

Could you point to such documentation?  The search function in the online
docs doesn't know about "laptop".

> The trend in tek is smaller faster exc exc..  based on what they said at
> the time of thier documation and I would have to check this certain
> functions are not available because of memory of the graphics card???  I
> am going by memory and as promised those panda 3d functions do not work
> but the program overall is fine.

There must be enough memory to display a full screen, obviously,
everything else is done in main memory then.  And you are talking about
panda3d functions and not pygame ones.  The OP wanted to write simple 2D
games, so it's irrelevant if panda3d doesn't work on some laptops. 
Claiming pygame doesn't work on about 50% of the laptops out there based
on these facts is a bit exaggerated.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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