On 6 Feb, 12:30, "Lorenzo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unfortunately I have to use Apache. The server implementation will we
> very easy, so I'm also considering more efficient solutions than
> python

You could try mod_python if there isn't an absolute requirement for


Some people might recommend other frameworks which operate in separate
long-running processes, but if you don't have the freedom to have such
processes, you might wish to consider focusing on the start-up costs
of your CGI programs. Once upon a time, CGI was deemed very expensive
because process creation was itself expensive, and many database-
related CGI programs had to open connections to database systems whose
connection costs were very expensive (eg. Oracle). While not spawning
new processes and not opening and closing database connections avoids
such costs, it is worth reviewing just how expensive such things are
on modern operating systems (on modern hardware) and with other
database systems (such as MySQL, which you said you were using).
Ultimately, some benchmarking/profiling will indicate whether your
performance expectations are realistic.



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