On Feb 8, 12:00 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I may have mistook the source code licence for the use licence..  I
> will look into a little further to see what it can do..  Looks like
> you are not allowed to redistribute k for profit.  Some day I will
> look up letters a random in the search engine to see what I come up
> with.
> On Feb 6, 2:05 am, "Gosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Feb 6, 3:04 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Feb 5, 8:48 am, "Gosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > It is quite easy to call J from Python
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/J-Programming/browse_thread/thread/5e8...
> > > There are a couple of issue that should be adressed.  Am I going to
> > > jail if I write a program and then redistribute all the files required
> > > to run the program I write??
> > J is free for anyone to download and use.
> > If someone is interested in putting you in jail it will not because
> > you distribute J or redistribute the J utilities.
> > > The second is how do I use the j stuff
> > > without learning all that much about j.
> > Just like Python then how much time you spend is uo to you.
> > If you want to be good at it you may have to spend some time.
> > You may also be just a casual user and dip into it now and again.
> > There are lots of Demos, Labs and Help files besides all the
> > utilities.
> > You can freely use the utilities and examples to create your own
> > application.
> > You can write code in conventional style and not spend any time on the
> > advanced functionality.
> > > I am just intrested in
> > > stealing graphics libraries and using what I have already written in
> > > python..
> > There are a number of graphics examples, utilities and demos you can
> > use in J and combine it with Python.
> > The new grid classes in J are amazingly useful too.
> > I am just starting to learn Python and I find it interesting to
> > combine it with J.
> > I know a few people who are doing so successfully.
> > There are always some nicetise in any language that can be beneficial.
> > Combining them enhances both.
> >http://groups.google.com/group/j-programminghttp://jsoftware.com/

You can get older versions of the source code too for free.
The utility sources are also free.


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