Boris Ozegovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > def filter(self, **kw):
> >    for argname, value in kw.items():
> >      fieldname, op = argname.split('__', 1)
> Yes, this is what confused me in the first place: how to separate
> arguments.  If you call split, and split returns list of String, then you
> have fieldname = 'question' and startwith = 'what', and not references at
> question and startwith, or am I missing something big.  

Oh, I understand your question now.  The call was:


'filter' receives the argument 'kw', which is a dictionary whose value will be
    { 'question__startswith' : 'What' }

That means the "for argname, value" loop iterates just once, with
    argname = 'question__startswith' 
    value = 'What'

Since split is applied to argname, it retrieves 'question' and 'startswith'.

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