En Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:21:29 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> It has been such a painful thing for me.

Ouch... why was that? Programming in Python, or using py2exe?

> As I made a program to
> encrypt files, now I want to distribute that program over other
> computers. I created .EXE file with py2exe but the "dist" folder makes
> around 2 mb and it restricts for the python DLL to be within the same
> folder. Is there any easy way to get this thing done in just one exe
> file?

Perhaps... but what would you gain? Most programs include, apart from the  
main executable: manual, license, readme file, release notes, installation  
guide, other resources, etc.
You can use an installer like Inno Setup to package nicely all required  
pieces into a single distributable file. For simple programs, even a  
self-extracting .zip would suffice.

> I mean if I do interfacing with C/C++ will it work for me and if
> I do interfacing with C/C++ will it be necessary on the other computer
> to have python installed on it?

I don't understand what are you asking... You can extend and/or embed  
Python using C. And you already know py2exe, obviously: the idea is to  
*not* require a previous Python install in order to run your application.

Gabriel Genellina


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