zefciu wrote:
> enes naci wrote:
>> i would like to know about hacking in python too whether its illegal or
>> not is not the point and anyway it doesn't mean i'm gong to use it.
> If you mean hacking as modyfying the code of interpreter of libraries -
> it is perfectly legal, as Python is Open Source.
> If you mean hacking as cracking into computer systems, then what's the
> difference if it's with Python or anything else.
> If you mean hacking as gaining excellency in programming - then why
> should it be?
> Greets
> zefciu
It's really sad. I saw this poor schmuck on "Want to be a millionaire" 
once. His second question was "What is a hacker?" I don't remember all 
of the alternatives but two of them was "A computer programmer" and 
"Someone illegally using a computer".
He answered 'computer programmer'... guess what was the 'correct one'.

I guess he was lucky though... it could have been the one million question.

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