On 2/10/07, Ayaz Ahmed Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> class Vuln:
>> class VulnInfo(Vuln):
>> class VulnDiscuss(Vuln):
>> def main(url):
>>         vuln_class = ['Info', 'Discuss']
>>         vuln = Vuln(url)
>>         vuln._parse()
>>         for link in vuln.get_link():
>>                 i = VulnInfo(link)
>>                 i._parse()
>>                 d = VulnDiscuss(link)
>>                 d._parse()
>> Is there a way to get references to VulnInfo and VulnDiscuss objects

In addition to what other people has suggested:

- Use some kind of registry:
register("Vuln", Vuln, VulnInfo, VulnDiscuss)
(a dictionary would do) and then look up by name

- If all three classes are contained inside the same module, look up them  
by name into globals: InfoClass = globals()["%sInfo" %  
(assuming self is an instance of Vuln, this would give you the VulnInfo  

- Replace your line: vuln_class = ['Info', 'Discuss']
with vuln_class = [VulnInfo, VulnDiscuss]

As you see, there are many ways to do that - choose what better fits your  

Gabriel Genellina


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