azrael wrote:
> Since i'm new on this forum, and first time meeting a python comunity,
> i wanted to ask you for your python editors.
> Im looking for some good python editor, with integrated run function,
> without having to set it up manualy like komodo.
> I found the pyscripter, and it has all i need, but it's unsatble.
> bloated.
No it is very stable,
but some programs should be started differently,
read the manual !

  it crashes when i close an yplication window run by python
> from pyscripter. please. tell me a good one with buil in run (<-very
> important) and nice gui. if possible to suport projects, code
> highlighting, code completition, class browser, python comand line
> (>>>), traceback.
You could try SPE,
but that's really unstable,
and no help manual to read ;-)

and for the rest the answer must certainly be in the still running thread
"Best Free and Open Source Python IDE"

Stef Mientki

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