> On Feb 11, 4:24 am, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Feb 11, 1:35?am, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> By the way, on the sci.math newsgroup I promote
>>> Python every chance I get. One fellow thanked me
>>> profusely for recommending Python & GMPY and asked
>>> for some help with a program he was having problems
>>> with. We worked it out fine but his problem made me
>>> suspect there may be more bugs in GMPY. What's my
>>> motivation for tracking them down?
>> The satisfaction of a job well done? What's my motivation for acting as
>> a director of the Python Software Foundation when I get accusations of
>> irresponsibility?
> I apologize. But I hope you see how this appears from
> the outside, that the PSF doesn't give a rat's ass about
> Windows users with AOL addresses. Sure, that's wrong,
> but calling people who bring up these points whiny leeches
> doesn't do anything to dispell that notion.
The AOL address is nothing to do with it. Accusations of whiny leeching
tend to be made at people whose attitudes aren't constructive and who
express their complaints in ways that seem to imply an expectation of
some kind of right to dictate to open source developers.

>> Anyway, thanks for taking the time to help maintain gmpy.
> Thanks, I try to help as much as I can. I'm a little
> sensitive about gmpy because without it, I would have
> to abandon Python and I don't want to abandon Python.
>> This thread is starting to make me think that there's a case to be made
>> for somehow providing supported build facilities for third-party
>> extension modules.
> And the untouchables would greatly appreciate it.
We're all Python users. There are no untouchables. But in the open
source world you tend to have to take ownership of the problems that are
important to you.

Since you say you couldn't get the attention of gmpy's developers you
might need to think about trying to join the team ...

>> This wouldn't be a simple project, but since there's a Windows buildbot
>> for Python there's no reason why the same couldn't be done for
>> extensions. I'll raise this with the PSF and see what the response is:
>> then your carping will at least have had some positive effect ;-)
>> Stick with it, and let's try to make things better.
> Ok.
On a point of information, as it happens there's a Board meeting today
and I have tabled the topic for discussion. Unfortunately I can't
guarantee to attend the meeting (I am moving from the UK to the USA this
week) but I will try to do so, and will attempt to report back to c.l.py
within a week.


PS: Couldn't send this yesterday, or attend the meeting, because BT 
Internet termined my DSL service early, mau God rot their profits and 
drive them into bankruptcy. I'll report back once I found out how the 
discussions went.
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd          http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb     http://del.icio.us/steve.holden
Blog of Note:          http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
See you at PyCon?         http://us.pycon.org/TX2007


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