I'm using Suse Linux which has five program that 
will open a pdf file from a shell command line. 
Acrobat Reader is one of the five.

A right button click on the file should give a 
list of programs that will open a PDF file. 

Im using a KDE desktop
Open a shell, add the path to the directory where 
the PDF file lives, and on the command line type;

xpdf myfile.pdf   ## may also work on a Gnome
                        ##   Desktop
or any of these for the KDE desktop; 

kpdf  myfile.pdf    
Kghostview myfile.pdf
konqueror myfile.pdf   ## my browser + myfile.

Acrobat Reader is also listed on my system. It 
open files as adobe reader using the mouse to 
open a pdf file but not from the command line 
with an arg, and I haven't spent the time to 
figgure out why.

You will have to import os and some combination of 
any of the exec.. args, or the popen, spawn, or 
system modules. 

os.execvep()  ## or others like execl, execle .... 

hope this give some direction.


On Tuesday 13 February 2007 03:44, Jussi Salmela 
> Grant Edwards kirjoitti:
> > On 2007-02-12, Larry Bates 
> >> Grant Edwards wrote:
> >>> On 2007-02-12, Larry Bates 
> >>>> On 2007-02-12, Larry Bates 
> >>>>>>> I at least need the code for useing
> >>>>>>> some library for connecting to acrobat
> >>>>>>> reader and giving the print command on
> >>>>>>> windows and some thing similar on
> >>>>>>> ubuntu linux.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Just let the registered .PDF viewer do
> >>>>>> it for you.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> os.start('myfile.pdf')
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Eh?  I don't see os.start() it either 2.5
> >>>>> or 2.44 documentation, and it's sure not
> >>>>> there in 2.4.3:
> >>>>
> >>>> My bad.  os.system()
> >>>
> >>> That doesn't work either:
> >>>
> >>>    $ ls -l user.pdf
> >>>    -rw------- 1 grante users 35640
> >>> 2005-11-21 14:33 user.pdf
> >>>
> >>>    $ python
> >>>    Python 2.4.3 (#1, Dec 10 2006, 22:09:09)
> >>>    [GCC 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r1,
> >>> ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)] on linux2 Type
> >>> "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
> >>> for more information.
> >>>
> >>>    >>> import os
> >>>    >>> os.system('user.pdf')
> >>>
> >>>    sh: user.pdf: command not found
> >>>    32512
> >>
> >> Works fine on my system.  You linux guys
> >> just have it hard. The op said "windows".
> >
> > The posting to which you replied specified
> > Linux.
> >
> >> I can't answer for ubuntu linux but maybe
> >> you can help there?
> >
> > I don't see how.  Pdf files just aren't
> > executable.
> On Windows, this (where fileName is xyz.PDF,
> for example): webbrowser.open(r'file://' +
> fileName) starts Acrobat Reader with the
> document read in. I have no idea why, because
> Acrobat Reader sure ain't my browser;)
> Maybe someone could try this out on Linux.
> Cheers,
> Jussi

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