holger krekel wrote:
> * py.execnet: ad-hoc code distribution to SSH, Socket and local sub processes

Good stuff, but my rather ancient win32 client could not work properly with 
SshGateway; I think plink might work.

I hacked register.py so that the eventual command came out something like

plink -ssh "MYSESSION" "python -u -c 'exec input()'"

and then I can get a gateway open at least. The following script then works on 
my win32 box

from py.execnet import SshGateway

gw = SshGateway('MYSESSION',remotepython='python25')
channel = gw.remote_exec('channel.send("Hello From the remote world!")')
print channel.receive()

and I see

Hello From the remote world!

Robin Becker


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