En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 19:35:10 -0300, Matimus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

>> I think you should be able to use my or goodwolf's solution with the
>> subprocess module. Something like this (untested):
>> [code]
>> class TeeFile(object):
>>     def __init__(self,*files):
>>         self.files = files
>>     def write(self,txt):
>>         for fp in self.files:
>>             fp.write(txt)
> I tried this at lunch and it doesn't work. Some version of this method
> may work, but Popen tries to call the 'fileno' method of the TeeFile
> object (at least it did on my setup) and it isn't there. This is just
> a preemptive warning before someone comes back to let me know my code
> doesn't work.

I don't think any Python only solution could work. The pipe options  
available for subprocess are those of the underlying OS, and the OS knows  
nothing about Python file objects.

Gabriel Genellina


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