I am trying to allow JPEG's to be used for portraits inside of Plone.  I
have Googled and found I need to install the Pytphon Imaging Library (PIL);
after that all should be good.  I did that, but I an error that tells me
there is a missing library.  The below is a log of what I did.  From what I
can tell Python sees the library but .. (I'm used to Perl so I have no
idea).  I am working on a RHEL v4 x64 system.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Error Value decoder jpeg not availableHere is the log of me installing PIL:

$ sudo /opt/python/bin/python setup.py install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
version       1.1.6
platform      linux2 2.4.3 (#1, Jan 30 2007, 15:38:40)
             [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)]
*** TKINTER support not available
--- JPEG support ok
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok
*** FREETYPE2 support not available

*** Warning: zlib may contain a security vulnerability.
*** Consider upgrading to zlib 1.2.3 or newer.
*** See: http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/238678

To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the
setup.py script.

To check the build, run the selftest.py script.
running build_scripts
running install_lib
running install_scripts
changing mode of /opt/python/bin/pilprint.py to 755
changing mode of /opt/python/bin/pilconvert.py to 755
changing mode of /opt/python/bin/pilfont.py to 755
changing mode of /opt/python/bin/pildriver.py to 755
changing mode of /opt/python/bin/pilfile.py to 755
creating /opt/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PIL.pth
$ sudo /opt/python/bin/python selftest.py
Failure in example: _info(Image.open("Images/lena.jpg"))
from line #24 of selftest.testimage
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "./doctest.py", line 499, in _run_examples_inner
   exec compile(source, "<string>", "single") in globs
 File "<string>", line 1, in ?
 File "./selftest.py", line 22, in _info
 File "PIL/ImageFile.py", line 180, in load
   d = Image._getdecoder( self.mode, d, a, self.decoderconfig)
 File "PIL/Image.py", line 375, in _getdecoder
   raise IOError("decoder %s not available" % decoder_name)
IOError: decoder jpeg not available
1 items had failures:
  1 of  57 in selftest.testimage
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
*** 1 tests of 57 failed.
$  /opt/python/bin/python -vv -c "import PIL._imaging" 2>&1 | less
# PIL/__init__.pyc matches PIL/__init__.py
import PIL # precompiled from PIL/__init__.pyc
# trying PIL/_imaging.so
dlopen("PIL/_imaging.so", 2);
import PIL._imaging # dynamically loaded from PIL/_imaging.so
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path

Jamie Bohr

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