On Feb 18, 1:14 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 15:47:20 -0800, google wrote:
> > As a test, I tried to write the buffer back to a file with this code
> > but did not work,
> Oooh, guessing games! I love guessing games!


> Let me see... did it reboot your PC?


> Did Python crash?

No - it runs on nix

> Did you get an exception? Maybe something about not being able to open
> the file for reading? Or perhaps disk full?

File read ok for input, its the file write thats the problem

> Did you get something unexpected in the file? Maybe an empty file?

Yes, a rabbit popped out of the floppy slot - amazing!

> I'm guessing... it erased your hard disk. Do I win?

Sorry, you lose....are you a Windows user?

> --
> Steven.


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