On Feb 20, 7:57 am, Steven D'Aprano
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 23:18:02 -0800, Ziga Seilnacht wrote:
> > George Sakkis wrote:
> >> I was kinda surprised that setting __class__ or __dict__ goes through
> >> the __setattr__ mechanism, like a normal attribute:
> >> class Foo(object):
> >>     def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
> >>         pass
> >> class Bar(object):
> >>     pass
> >> >>> f = Foo()
> >> >>> f.__class__ = Bar
> >> >>> print f.__class__ is Foo
> >> True
> >> Is there a way (even hackish) to bypass this, or at least achieve
> >> somehow the same goal (change f's class) ?
> >> George
> >>>> object.__setattr__(f, '__class__', Bar)
> >>>> f.__class__ is Bar
> > True
> This version is arguably more "correct", although a tad longer to write,
> and doesn't need you to hard-code the class superclass:
> super(f.__class__, f).__setattr__('__class__', Bar)
> But what surprised me was that this *didn't* work:
> >>> f = Foo()
> >>> f.__dict__['__class__'] = Bar
> >>> f.__class__
> <class '__main__.Foo'>
> Unless I'm confused, it looks like instance.__class__ bypasses the usual
> lookup mechanism (instance.__dict__, then instance.__class__.__dict__) for
> some reason.
> >>> Foo.x = 1  # stored in class __dict__
> >>> f.x
> 1
> >>> f.__dict__['x'] = 2  # stored in instance __dict__
> >>> f.x
> 2
> >>> Foo.x
> 1
> But __class__ doesn't behave like this. Why?
> --
> Steven.

Perhaps because __class__ is a special descriptor:

>>> type(object.__dict__['__class__'])
<type 'getset_descriptor'>



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