Is there a csvlib out there somewhere? And/or does anyone see any problems with the code below?
What csvline does is straightforward: fields is a list of strings. csvline(fields) returns the strings concatenated into one string separated by commas. Except that if a field contains a comma or a double quote then the double quote is escaped to a pair of double quotes and the field is enclosed in double quotes. The part that seems somewhat hideous is parsecsvline. The intention is that parsecsvline(csvline(fields)) should be the same as fields. Haven't attempted to deal with parsecsvline(data) where data is in an invalid format - in the intended application data will always be something that was returned by csvline. It seems right after some testing... also seems blechitudinous. (Um: Believe it or not I'm _still_ using python 1.5.7. So comments about iterators, list comprehensions, string methods, etc are irrelevent. Comments about errors in the algorithm would be great. Thanks.) The code: from string import replace, join def csvescape(s): if ',' in s or '"' in s or '\n' in s: res = replace(s, '"', '""') return '"%s"' % res else: return s def csvline(fields): return join(map(csvescape, fields), ',') class indexedstring: def __init__(self, s): self.s = s self.index = 0 def current(self): return self[self.index] def inc(self): self.index = self.index + 1 def next(self): return self.current() def __getitem__(self, j): return self.s[j] def __len__(self): return len(self.s) def eos(self): return self.index >= len(self) def lookahead(self): return self[self.index + 1] def getfield(self): if self.eos(): return None if self.current() == '"': return self.quotedfield() else: return self.rawfield() def rawfield(self): """Read until comma or eos.""" start = self.index while not (self.eos() or (self.current() == ',')): res = self.s[start:self.index] return res def quotedfield(self): """Read until '",' or '" followed by eos. Replace "" in result with ".""" start = self.index while 1: if self.current() == '"': if (self.eos() or (self.current()==',')): break res = self.s[start + 1:self.index - 1] return replace(res, '""', '"') def parsecsvline(csvline): """Inverts csvline(). Assumes csvline is valid, ie is something as returned by csvline(); output undefined if csvline is in invalid format""" s = indexedstring(csvline) res = [] while not s.eos(): res.append(s.getfield()) return res ************************ David C. Ullrich --