Neat the original poster shows up as a potential Phisher with a nice
big red warning in gmail.

Due to some funky header fakedness.

Don't give them your SSN. :)

I have a related question. What is PyDoc? I see it come up alot in
searches for Unit testing and python, but I've never gotten around to
finding out why.

Maybe I'll do that now.

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:34:06 -0500, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "rhat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I've recently been reading some articles about unit-testing in Python
> > [1] [2], but I am a bit confused: where do I go to get started with
> > this? I tried googling for "unittest" but all I've found are some old
> > links to projects that already use it, and the older (as the articles
> > put it) PyUnit project. I'm sorry if this is a obvious question or one
> > that has already been answered, but unit-testing sounds interesting and
> > I'm not sure where to start.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ryan Kaulakis
> PyUnit is indeed what I use.  It's included in current distributions as the
> "unittest" module.
> The module docs aren't perfect (especially when it comes to the big
> picture), but there's a good tutorial at
> Once you get your head around how it works, it's really quite simple to
> use.  It also has the advantage of being one of a series of "X-unit"
> packages for different languages (Junit, C++Unit, etc) which all have the
> same organization (with allowances made for language-specific
> requirements).  This means once you've learned one, you've got a big head
> start one learning another one.
> --

Thomas G. Willis

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