First of all, what's Python command equivalent to QBasic's "goto" ?

You can only use the goto function if you use Python with line numbers, thusly:

10 import sys
20 real_stdout = sys.stdout
30 class fake_stdout(object): pass
40 fake_stdout.write = lambda x, y: None
50 sys.stdout = fake_stdout()
60 import this
70 sys.stdout = real_stdout
80 d = {}
90 c = 65
100 i = 0
110 d[chr(i+c)] = chr((i+13) % 26 + c)
120 if i == 26: goto(150)
130 i += 1
140 goto(110)
150 if c == 97: goto(180)
160 c = 97
170 goto(100)
180 print "How zen it is:"
190 print "".join([d.get(c, c) for c in this.s])

z = dict((int(x[0]), " ".join(x[1:])) for x in (y.split() for y in (__doc__ or 
_).strip().splitlines())); k = [0] + sorted(z.keys()); m = dict((b,a) for a,b in 
enumerate(k)); l = k[1]

def goto(n): global l; l = k[m[n]-1]

while l and l <= k[-1]: exec z[l]; l = l != k[-1] and k[m[l]+1]

Michael Hoffman

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