Tech HR wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>On Feb 26, 6:32 am, Tech HR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>website is currently a LAMP appication with P=Python. We are looking for
>>>bright motivated people who know or are willing to learn Python and/or
>>>Linux, Apache and MySQL system administration skills. (And if you want
>>>to convince us that we should switch over to Postgres, we're willing to
>>This is more out of curiosity, but does it mean that you wouldn't be
>>willing to listen about a switch from Python to Lisp?
> No, it doesn't mean that.  In fact, there is a significant faction in 
> the technical staff (including the CTO) who would like nothing better 
> than to be able to use Lisp instead of Python.

Ah, you must lack courage in your convictions. Unless you plan on being 
out of business in six months, Do the Right Thing. Use the best 
language. Then worry about little things like libraries and filling seats.

There is a great saying, "Think you can or think you cannot, either way 
you will be right." Something like that.

>  But we have some pretty 
> compelling reasons to stick with Python, not least of which is that it 
> is turning out to be very hard to find Lisp programmers.  (Actually, 
> it's turning out to be hard to find Python programmers too, but it's 
> easier to train a Java programmer or a Perler on Python than Lisp.

Place two ads, both for "Java/Perl/C programmers". One looking for folks 
willing to learn Python, one for those willing to learn Lisp. I 
guarantee you respondents to the second group will be more fun to go 
bar-hopping with. Oh, and twice as good at programming as the first group.

You are solving the wrong problem. "lisp is the best language and we 
cannot find Lisp programmers." The problem is not the choice of Lisp, 
the problem is finding people to program Lisp. They do not have to be 
Lisp programmers with certified scorched areas from being flamed by me 
on c.l.l. They just need to be great programmers, in any language.

Choosing Lisp will make all of you twenty to one hundred percent happier 
to go to work each day and stay a little longer each night to grind out 
CFFI bindings for the libs you need. Hiring a good programmer to learn 
Lisp will have them putting in about a hundred hours a week and loving 
it. Tap into the energy, man.

>  We 
> also have fair bit of infrastructure built up in Python at this point.)

Do I tell you my problems?



Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and
I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
                                   -- Elwood P. Dowd

In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
                                   -- Elwood's Mom

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