Paul Boddie wrote:
> On 27 Feb, 13:35, "Nader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thank for your reaction. I don't know also how the interaction sith
>> 'easy_install' is. I think that I have to install 'pysqlite' from
>> source code also, because i can change ther the 'setup.cfg' file and I
>> can give there where the 'libsqlie3' is.
> What I did was to go to the pysqlite site (
> tracker/pysqlite/wiki/pysqlite), download the sources for the latest
> version, then change the setup.cfg file so that include_dirs refers to
> the place where the SQLite headers (eg. sqlite.h) were installed, and
> that library_dirs refers to the place where the SQLite libraries were
> installed. For example:
> include_dirs=/opt/sqlite/usr/include
> library_dirs=/opt/sqlite/usr/lib
> (You'd get the above if you configured SQLite to install into /opt/
> sqlite/usr.)
> Then, just do the usual build:
> python build
> And install with a prefix:
> python install --prefix=/opt/pysqlite/usr
> Since you seem to be installing things in non-root-controlled places,
> I imagine you're familiar with specifying things like the --prefix
> above, as well as setting up your PYTHONPATH afterwards.
> Paul
I have first installed "sqlite" and then I have configure the 
"setup.cfg" file of "pysqlite" package. I had to do two things in
'pysqlite' directory:
1- python build
2- python install

It has done without any error. I suppose that the installation is well 
done, but I haven't yet test whether I can import the 'pysqlite' module 
in python. But how you mean about "PYTHONPATH"? If I do "echo 
$PYTHONPAT" i get an empty string. That meant that I don't have any 
"PYTHONPATH". How can I assign a correct "path" to this variable?


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