On Feb 28, 8:33 pm, "Troy Melhase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Troy, Windows users don't really "want" to do that. They'd prefer
> > to download a Windows installer, and "double-click on it".
> Hi John,
> Understood and agreed.  I was thinking about Andy's problem, and I
> realized that many users would benefit from a gui to do side-by-side
> translation.  If I ever have the time, I could write one I think.
>  > This might save some wear'n'tear on their nervous systems, and
> > yours :-)
> Like so many projects, it works for me the way it is -- I'm driving
> j2py via makefiles, and a gui just isn't something I need.  But of
> course patches are welcome -- even gui ones!

Did you think I was suggesting that you write a GUI version of
java2python? Please carefully (re)?read the documentation link that I
gave you. The idea is that with a simple variation of your setup.py
build comamnd, you create a Windows installer for your existing
package, and make it available for download. Then, all the Windows
user has to do is to double-click on it, and it guides them through
the installation. This would save wear'n'tear on you having to try to
explain to some newbie Windows user how to install your package.

HTH take 2,


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