I'm just a trainee working here and I don't really know how the old
Perl script worked.
But I can post the function, maybe you can recognize what is going on

my $domain = "wiv-dom.com";
my $nameserver = "bldc01.wiv-dom.com";

sub makeDNSEntry {
    my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
    my $query = $res->query("$domain", "NS");
    if ($query) {
        print "\nMaking entries into nameserver...\nSearching for
nameservers...\n\n" if $opt{d};
        foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
            next unless $rr->type eq "NS";
            print $rr->nsdname, "\n" if $opt{d};
    else {
        print "query for Nameserver for $domain failed: ", $res-
>errorstring, "\n";
    my $update = new Net::DNS::Update("$domain");
    $update->push("pre", yxrrset("$snmpHostName.$domain. A"));
    $update->push("update", rr_del("$snmpHostName.$domain. A"));
    $update->push("update", rr_add("$snmpHostName.$domain. 3600 A
    $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;

    print "\nNameserver for $domain :" . $nameserver, "\n" if $opt{d};
    my $reply = $res->send($update);

    if (defined $reply) {
        if ($reply->header->rcode eq "NOERROR") {
            print "Update for $snmpHostName.$domain. OK\n" if $opt{d};
        } else {
            print "Update for $snmpHostName.$domain. ERROR : ". $reply-
>header->rcode. "\n" if $opt{d};
    } else {
        print "RESERROR : No reply: ". $res->errorstring. "\n";

What I want to do is change the A-Record of existing entries in the
DNS server.

I'm getting all the IPs from a django database and ask them via SNMP
what their outbound address is, then I want to change those settings
in our DNS server like in the perl script above.

Sorry for my bad explanation, but I never worked with DNS before...



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