In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, bkamrani

> ******************************************************************************
>            xml file (fileTest) looks like:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <afc xmlns=""; xmlns:afc="http://
> <afc:Bibliography>
>    <File version="" publicationDate="2007-02-16
> 11:23:06+01:00" />
>    <Revision version="2" />
>    <Application version="02.00.00" />
> </afc:Bibliography>
> </afc>
> ******************************************************************************
>             Python file looks like:
> from xml.dom import minidom
> doc = minidom.parse(fileTest)
> a= doc.documentElement.childNodes
> print a
> print '--------------'
> for item in a:
>     print item.nodeName
> ******************************************************************************
>              And output is:
> [<DOM Text node "\n">, <DOM Element: afc:Bibliography at 12082960>,
> <DOM Text node "\n">]
> --------------
> #text
> afc:Bibliography
> #text
> ******************************************************************************
> My question is why this <DOM Text node "\n"> or  #text has been
> created and how to get rid of them by changing python code? (here I'm
> not interested to change xml file.)

They have been created because the text is in the XML source.  Line breaks
are valid text.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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