The problem is, that len('\x90\x06\x00') is not equivalent to
>>> calcsize('Bh')
>>> len('\x90\x06\x00')

Actually calculating the size for 'hB' results in:
>>> calcsize('hB')

So far I have not figured out, why there is an additional byte, but it
does not effect the result in any way. (Or I simply did not insert any
byte that would cause an effect.)

>>> unpack('Bh', '\x90\x??\x06\x00')

with ?? as any valid hex, gives the "correct" result, but I dont know
why either.

On Mar 1, 10:17 pm, "Chris Garland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's wrong here?
> >>> from struct import unpack
> I can unpack an unsigned char>>> unpack('B','\x90')
> (144,)
> I can unpack a short>>> unpack('h','\x06\x00')
> (6,)
> But an unsigned char & a short give me this>>> unpack('Bh','\x90\x06\x00')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> struct.error: unpack str size does not match format


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