On Saturday 03 March 2007 15:56, Nicholas Parsons 
> On Mar 3, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
> > Nicholas Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >> I was just playing around in IDLE at the
> >> interactive prompt and typed in dir({}) for
> >> the fun of it.  I was quite surprised to see
> >> a pop method defined there.  I mean is that
> >> a misnomer or what?  From the literature,
> >> pop is supposed to be an operation defined
> >> for a stack data structure.  A stack is
> >> defined to be an "ordered" list data
> >> structure.  Dictionaries in Python have no
> >> order but are sequences. Now, does anyone
> >> know why the python core has this pop method
> >> implemented for a dictionary type?

  'produce the value'

pop removes the  key:value  and produces the value 
as results


> >
> > Try typing:
> >
> >   help({}.pop)
> > --
> > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pytho
> >n-list
> Thanks, that gives a more details explanation
> of what the behavior is but doesn't answer my
> question above :(

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