
> Python 3.x.  I believe your fear is just a knee jerk reaction to the notion
> that there will be some stated incompatibilities between 2.x and 3.x without
> having done any investigation of the transition process.  Nobody is forcing
> you to do anything right now or completely abandon your code base.  Python
> 2.x still has a long shelf life.  Hell, 3.0a1 isn't even out yet.  If you

Thanks to the pointer to PyCon, if there is anything relevant maybe
you can send me off a mail (or post here) with some links.  About the
above : it isn't fear, I'm just telling you what I suspect might
happen.  My own little piece of code in the giant picture will remain
in python, unless i am mandated to move it to something else : I
*like* python.

I threw in my few cents here just because I suspect the python
community does not intend to move itself into the realm of
"interesting but not serious languages" like Oberon did.  I could be
wrong, both in the sense that maybe that *is* the intention, or maybe
making a backwards-incompatible "evolution" of the language won't hurt
python or it's users.  We now return to your regularly scheduled

      J "back to the grind" T


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