Paul Sijben schrieb:
> All,
> in a worker thread setup that communicates via queues is it possible to
> catch exceptions raised by the worker executed, put them in an object
> and send them over the queue to another thread where the exception is
> raised in that scope?
> considering that an exception is an object I feel it ought to be
> possible, however I do not see how to go about it.
> does anyone have a pointer towards the solution?
> Paul

You're right, even exceptions are objects in Python. For further 
studies, read

You can catch an exception like this:
except Exception, e:
   # the first argument is the type of error you want to handle
   # it is Exception here, the baseclass of all computation exceptions
   # the second argument is the variable (name) where you want to save
   # the specific exception raised to
   # it's 'e' here, a common shortcut for exception
   # notice that you can pass e around as you like

For further information on exceptions and how to handle them, read 
chapter 8 of the tutorial, especially starting from 8.3:

P.S. I don't know if what I told still applies to Python 3.0 -- a lot of 
changes are upcoming related to exception raising and handling.

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