On Mar 5, 10:17 pm, "Rob Clewley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a different and admittedly limited view of hybrid systems as
> part of dynamical systems theory. In principle, I would love to have
> time to write an interface to something like Modelica, but PyDSTool
> isn't intended as an industrial-scale simulation package: it is
> intended for applied dynamical systems research involving small
> systems that people want to analyze with tools like bifurcation theory
> and parameter estimation.
> Sorry to be taking a short-term view here (I try to avoid
> that), but we're just a couple of guys trying to concentrate on our
> day jobs...

As long as these are your stated objectives I certainly can't take any
issue with them.  In fact, I qualified my statement with "I don't know
your ultimate goals" for precisely this reason.  Without knowing your
goals I certainly can't made a valid argument about your approach.  I
am glad that you appear to have understood the spirit of the comment.

If you ever do decide to consider larger scale models, you might want
to look into "OpenModelica" (an open source implementation from
Linkoeping University).  It includes a compiler that can take Modelica
code and generate "flat Modelica" (processing inheritance, hierarchy,
replaceable components, etc. down to just variables and equations).

One final note on perspective.  The main driver for my comment is that
I am an industrial user but I would love to have these kinds of
analysis capabilities.  I see that as one of the remaining
opportunities in Modelica (i.e. the ability to build niche analysis
capabilities, which commercial vendors perhaps could not justify,
around a standard description).  Having it done within a Python
framework would be icing on the cake. :-)

> Rob



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