I updated it.

New Things:
- It supports C extensions within squished packages.
- It supports including squished packages within other squished
packages. (That is, you can have a package that includes a .pyc
generated by this, and turn that whole package into one .pyc.)
- If you import it after you import setuptools in a setup.py, it will
override a bit of setuptools so that bdist_egg will result in an egg
that can also be used as a squished package (if you rename it to
something ending in .pyc).
- It puts a helpful docstring at the top of generated .pyc files,
mainly for the purpose of being easy to see if you open the file in a
text editor. (It tells you what can be done with the file -- name it
something .pyc, or unzip it, or, if applicable, use it as an egg.)


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