Martin Unsal wrote:
> I'm using Python for what is becoming a sizeable project and I'm
> already running into problems organizing code and importing packages.
> I feel like the Python package system, in particular the isomorphism
> between filesystem and namespace, doesn't seem very well suited for
> big projects.

I've never worked on what you would call a "big project", but I *am*
kind of a neat-freak/control-freak about file organization of code, so I
have tinkered with the structure of source trees in Python quite a bit.

If you want to explode a module into a lot of smaller files, you create
a package. I find that this usually works best like this (this is what
the filesystem looks like):

package_name/ - contains globals for the package    - a useful-sized collection of functionality    - another    - another   - stuff that relies on the prior stuff       - or you can put the "post" stuff here

Then contains something like:

from package_pre import *
from component_a import *
from component_b import *
from component_c import *
from package_post import *

or you can explicitly load what you need:

from package_pre import *
from component_a import A, A1, A2
from component_a import A3 as A5
from component_b import B, B1
from component_c import C, C2, C5
from package_post import *

if you want to keep the namespace cleaner.

Also, instead of just dropping things into the module's global
namespace, use an named namespace, such as a class, or use the
"package_pre" in the example above. That helps to keep things separable.

IOW, you can use to set up the package's namespace anyway
you want, breaking the actual code up into just about as many files as
you like (I also don't like reading long source files -- I find it
easier to browse directories than source files, even with outlining
extensions. It's rare for me to have more than 2-3 classes per file).

Of course, if you *really* want your namespace to be *completely*
different from the filesystem, then there's no actual reason that all of
these files have to be in the same directory. You can use Python's
relative import (standard in Python 2.5+, available using __future__ in
2.4, IIRC) to make this easier. There was an obnoxious hack used in Zope
which used code to extract the "package_path" and then prepend that to
get absolute import locations which was necessary in earlier versions --
but I can't recommend that, just use the newer version of Python.

So, you could do evil things like this in

from .other_package.fiddly_bit import dunsel

(i.e. grab a module from a neighboring package)

Of course, I really can't recommend that either. Python will happily do
it, but it's a great way to shoot yourself in the foot in terms of
keeping your code organized!

The only exception to that is that I often have a "util" or "utility"
package which has a collection of little extras I find useful throughout
 my project.

As for relying heavily on reload(), it isn't that great of a feature for
debugging large projects. Any code of sufficient size to make reload()
problematic, though, needs formal unit testing, anyway. The cheapest and
easiest unit test method is doctests (IMHO), so you ought to give those
a try -- I think you'll like the easy relationship those have to working
in the interactive interpreter: just walk your objects through their
paces in the interpreter, then cut-and-paste.

What reload() and the interactive interpreter is good for is
experimentation, not development.

If you need huge amounts of code to be loaded to be able to do any
useful experiments with the modules you are writing, then your code is
too tightly coupled to begin with. Try to solve that by using something
like "mock objects" to replace the full blown implementations of objects
 you need for testing. I've never formally used any of the "mock"
packages, but I have done a number of tests using objects which are
dumbed-down versions of objects which are really supposed to be provided
from another module -- but I wanted to test the two separately (which is
essentially creating my own mock objects from scratch).


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


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