> So maybe a better way for you would be to learn python by its own,
> trying to use it in conjunction with qt.

The purpose of doing this help is not to help *me*, but help *anyone*
who wants to use PyQt. I myself am quite confortable with the Qtdoc.

But there are cases that the PyQt doc and Qt doc are not enough.

This happened to me when I tryed to use the QTextStream objects. There
is nothing on the docs where it says that you cannot use this object
for writing. It is silly, but I had to search the web and send a
message to the mailing list to know that one *don't* use the Qt stream
classes for writing.

It may be silly, but is time comsumption and can confuse someone,
especially newbies.

> So again: I don't see the
> need for that doc. But that's IMHO, of course.

*You* may not need. But think about other people. By the way, I found 9
"I"s on your last message. Don't be that selfish :)

The proposal is up.

[Eric Jardim]


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