> It appears that you forgot the basic rule: a package is a directory with
> an __init__.py file (even if empty).

Exactly right. I didn't know that __init__.py is a mandatory one.
Thanks for pointing out.

> > my_apps
> > |
> > |--> mod3.py
> > |--> dir1/dir1_1/mod1.py
> > |--> dir2/dir2_2/mod2.py
> You need 4 of such files here.

Thanks again for saying 4, cause I would have definetly put only 2
(inside dir1_1 and dir2_2)

> > And the directory my_apps is included in PYTHONPATH environment
> > variable, what am I doing wrong? I executed this code under PyDev and
> > it's working perfectly but when I run it outside of PyDev, it fails.
> Maybe PyDev plays some tricks with PYTHONPATH or something...

I got the same doubt and I checked PyDev before posting, the
PYTHONPATH is exactly the same but I didn't notice or rather
overlooked __init__.py file it created automatically when I created
packages using the dialogs.

> Gabriel Genellina

Thanks you Gabriel!
-- Srikanth


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