On 2007-03-09, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> azrael wrote:
>> id like to hear your opinion about something.
>> I just started using Prolog yesterday and i have my doubts about it,
>> but it seems to me something like object oriented. so i wanted to ask
>> you how usefull prolog is. Sure this is no prolog newsgroup so my
>> question is: because it seems object oriented, how important is it by
>> understanding python and improving my python skills. because i just
>> started it, i may bee totaly wrong or i missunderstood.
> OO? Prolog? Last time I checked it was much more functional if anything
> else, good for searching solutions in problem-spaces via backtracking.
> Certainly a concept one should get ones head wrapped around, if only to
> have a new perspective.
> No idea how you come to the conclusion it's OO though.

There apparently are OO Prolog extensions:

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