Alessandro de Manzano wrote:
> Hello,
> I'ld ask you all about deployment of python applications.
> Sometimes (if not most times..) I would make deployment easy (easier)
> for my customers (and for me too...)
> What I mean, would be very useful to have a "jar-like" archive/single
> file / multiple platform in order to deploy also complex applications
> with many modules.
> I know about "py2exe", it's nice but it's Windows only, I would need
> something multiplatform or at least available also for other platforms
> (*nix, Mac maybe, ...)
> My impression is that Python is a great language but a bit "messy"
> about on field deployment...
> What am I missing ? :)
> What are your experiences (and solutions ?) for this issues ?
> Many thanks in advance!
> bye!
> Ale
I think you are going to find that you need different deployment
methods for different operating systems.  When you deploy you will
no doubt have different things to do (shortcuts, registry entries,
.INI file entries, etc.) that you want to do.

On Windows my choice is py2exe to bundle and then Inno Installer
to make a setup.exe distrubution program that handles the install
and uninstall.  Others can chime in on linux, mac, etc.


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