Michael Bernstein wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 10:01 -0600, Brad Allen wrote:
>>When I discussed this problem with Michael Bernstein at PyCon he suggested
>>the idea of creating a "chroot jail" for each web session which could run
>>the Python interpreter in a secure sandbox. That might be easier than giving
>>each session a whole virtual server.
> Note that this wasn't an original idea of mine, I got it from brief
> mentions associated with two existing interactive python-in-a-web-page
> implementations:
>         Try Python: http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/try_python/
>         TryPy: http://trac.pocoo.org/wiki/TryPy

     That's a fun toy.  Of course, your server has to have enough
memory to keep a Python instance open for each connected user, so
there's a scaling issue if you have hundreds or thousands of
people using it.  And you have to have some good way to decide
when the user has disconnected and release the Python instance.

                                John Nagle

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