Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > these subtleties... thanks for pointing out that there's a problem
> > btw!-)
> Thanks for caring ;-)

Hey, I'd just love to make it as easy as possible to get gmpy -- that's
why I (shudder!-) even build and upload Windows installers...

> It looks for several things: eggs (for the Python version it is being used),
> zipfiles and tarballs (I dunno if it looks for more things). 
> If it finds, for example, gmpy-1.0.2-py2.4.egg it won't install here 'cause I
> use Python 2.5 and then it will continue searching for gmpy-1.0.2-py2.5.egg or
> an alternative format that can be used.  The last resort is the tarball / zip
> with the sources so that the package can be rebuilt. 

OK, the .zip file IS there -- I don't know how to build .egg ones but of
course I could study up on it -- can you suggest a URL?

To be usable on Windows w/o effort, the packaged format must contain a
.pyd (and, on Mac, a .so, etc).  Can a .egg deal w/that?

I need to find out w/certainty, because once I've uploaded a file w/a
certain name I can't change the name, nor the contents -- the URLs on are meant to be permanent...

> Probably other people that are more experienced with it can help more.  I'm
> more an end user of it and I know the essential for my needs. 
> I just pointed out because setuptools helps a lot on obtaining a package and
> installing it (even if there's some building needed before installing).

OK, but since most Windows users don't have a suitable C compiler, and
many Mac ones never bother installing the C compiler that comes with
their OS DVDs, if I'm to make things easy I definitely need to pack up
binaries.  How do I pack binaries (for dynamic link libraries) that need
to be very different on Win, Mac, various Linux distros...?

> Sorry for not being able to help more.
> With regards to the hyperlink, I believe that if the link on Pypi was to the
> URL above it would be easier.  Another alternative is a link at the first
> page.  And, of course, the last alternative is teaching setuptools how to work
> with -- if it doesn't already know -- as it learnt how to work
> with SourceForge and its "random" mirrors.  I don't know how to write that
> code, though.

Me neither, knowing near to nothing about setuptools (I'm not even a
user of it...). Let's hope some expert does speak up -- I can't just
freely experiment with uploads and the like...


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