liecto a écrit :
> winxp sp2
> modpython 3.3.1
> apache 2.2.4
> python 2.5
> when i start apache ,it failed. and the error is
> ==============
> The Apache service named  reported the following error:
>>>> httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 166 of 
>>>> F:/mylg/apache-more/local/apache/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load 
>>>> F:/mylg/apache-more/local/apache/Apache2/modules/ into 
>>>> server: 
>>>> \xd5\xd2\xb2\xbb\xb5\xbd\xd6\xb8\xb6\xa8\xb5\xc4\xc4\xa3\xbf\xe9\xa1\x     
>>>> .
> ===============
> who can help me??
Someone on either apache or mod_python mailing lists ? (you problem is 
about apache conf, not Python).

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